Spondylosis Treatment

Knoxville’s Best Choice for Spondylosis Treatment in Eastern Tennessee

Our Specialty

Spondylosis Treatment

Spondylosis is a broad-spanning term that’s used to refer to wear and tear in the spinal discs of your spine. Spondylosis is used more as a descriptive term than a diagnostic one and refers to pain and spinal degeneration. Lumbar spondylosis and spondylosis of the neck are the two most common types of spondylosis.


The first and most obvious sign of spondylosis is that you’ll experience pain and discomfort in the affected area of your spine. Depending on what part of the spine has spondylosis, you’ll also have symptoms in other areas of the body.

Tingling, numbness, and weakness in your upper and lower extremities, including the arms, toes, feet, legs, and fingers.

You’ll have a lack of coordination and difficulty walking in a straight line.
Lack of bladder control resulting in incontinence.


Several exercises can help ease the pain of spondylosis. Some of these can be performed at home, while others require the help of a physical therapist. It’s important to note that the goal of these exercises is to treat your specific symptoms and problems.

  • Pelvic tilt
  • Knee lifts
  • Curl ups
  • Neck stretches
  • Neck tilts
  • Neck turn

If you have spondylosis, it’s always wise to seek the counsel of an orthopedic surgeon. They can recommend the correct exercises and interventions to help you recover without surgery.
What is the Best Treatment for Spondylosis?
The best treatment for spondylosis is to correct the problem without spinal fusion surgery. Spinal fusion is effective, but it’s also a procedure that will permanently reduce the function and mobility of your spine. Through a combination of physical therapy, exercises, and medications, there’s a good chance that you can correct your problem without surgery.

If, however, surgery is necessary, the surgeons at Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance are here to help. We will always opt for the least invasive but most effective procedure to repair your spondylosis.

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