Upper Extremity Surgical Suite
Upper Extremity Surgery in Knoxville

Upper Extremity Surgical Suite
In-patient procedures are now happening within a procedure suite at TOA’s Fort Sanders Regional location.
Kent Rinehart, M.D., currently performs carpal tunnel releases, trigger finger releases, and finger cyst excisions under local anesthesia within our clinic. Offering these procedures in this setting provides patients with a more cost-effective option.
Patients may drive themselves to the procedure, eat up until the time of the procedure, and choose the music played during the procedure. Recovery is expected to be the same as if it were performed in a formal operating room. Coming soon to other TOA locations.

TOA At Fort Sanders Regional Location
If you have questions, or would like to Request An Appointment, you may contact us by phone or fax during office hours.
Phone: 865-524-5365
Fax: 865-673-8007
For billing questions, please contact our central billing office at 865-694-7725.
TOA at Fort Sanders Regional in the Center for Advanced Medicine
1819 Clinch Avenue, Suite 100
Knoxville, Tennessee 37916
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For a location map, click here.

Kent A. Rinehart, M.D.
Elbow, Shoulder and Hand/Wrist Surgeon